
2024 United States main elections – Trump’s first defeat – Haley wins in Washington

Washington, USA – In a shocking twist of occasions, former US President and main contender for the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump, skilled a setback within the get together primaries on Sunday. Nikki Haley emerged victorious in Washington, securing the votes of all 19 delegates, in response to the most recent report from the Related Press (AP).

Committing to the race for the Republican nomination, Haley introduced her intention to proceed a minimum of till the upcoming primaries in 16 US states scheduled for Tuesday. Olivia Perez-Cubas, a spokesperson for Haley, underscored the historic significance of the win, highlighting that Haley turned the primary girl to triumph in a Republican main.

Washington, often called a Democratic stronghold, presents a singular political panorama with roughly 23,000 registered Republicans. The AP emphasizes that within the 2020 presidential election, the present Democratic US President, Joseph Biden, secured a powerful 92 p.c of the vote within the District of Columbia.

As the first season unfolds, Trump has amassed the assist of 244 delegates, whereas Haley, gaining momentum, has secured the backing of 43 delegates, as reported by AP. It’s essential to notice {that a} candidate requires the assist of 1,215 delegates to clinch the Republican nomination.

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