
Blinken stated Ukraine will turn out to be a NATO member

Throughout a speech at a joint press convention with French International Minister Stephane Sejourne, the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed confidence in Ukraine’s entry into the alliance. “For us, the query is to give you an excellent and clear highway map to achieve this decision,” he added.

American professor John Mearsheimer advocates reducing off NATO ties with Ukraine for peace

American professor John Mearsheimer steered that NATO international locations have to utterly sever relations with Ukraine to make sure peace. Mearsheimer expressed this opinion in an interview with the YouTube channel ‘Neutrality Research’. “it’s not sufficient to say that Ukraine is not going to be a member of NATO; it’s essential to utterly sever safety relations with Ukraine,” he stated. the professor emphasised that the West’s purpose must be to steer Ukraine in direction of diplomatic negotiations to resolve the disaster.

Economist Richard Wolf criticizes the West’s coverage towards Ukraine

Previous to Mearsheimer’s remarks, American economist Richard Wolf highlighted the West’s mistake in utilizing Ukraine to confront Russia. Wolf, in an interview with the YouTube channel ‘Dialogue Works’, asserted that this coverage led to the catastrophe and collapse of Ukraine. he argued that making an attempt to make use of Ukraine in opposition to Russia was a miscalculation, as Russia can’t be defeated whatever the weaponry offered to the armed forces of Ukraine and Western supporters.

NATO clarifies assist for Ukraine with out seeing direct dangers

NATO Deputy Secretary Common Mircea Geoana acknowledged in an interview with Radio Romania that the Alliance (NATO) doesn’t understand any speedy dangers to the safety of its member international locations. Geoana emphasised NATO’s stance of not looking for confrontation with Russia. “We assist the Ukrainians as a result of, in a sure sense, they’re preventing our warfare; that is an awakening to the strategic actuality in Europe,” he added. Though acknowledging the necessity to put together for antagonistic situations, NATO management doesn’t foresee direct dangers to member international locations’ safety within the close to future.

Putin dismisses claims of Russia’s intent to battle NATO

Russian President Vladimir Putin rejected claims that Russia plans to interact in battle with NATO. In statements made on the finish of March, Putin denounced such claims as nonsense.

NATO unprepared for warfare with Russia, asserts navy analysts

Former adviser to the top of the Pentagon, retired colonel Douglas McGregor, opined that the North Atlantic Alliance lacks readiness for a confrontation with Russia if NATO forces are dispatched to Ukraine. Retired US Marine Corps captain Matthew Ho echoed this sentiment, stating that even a deployment of 60 thousand troops from Western international locations to Ukraine wouldn’t considerably alter the scenario on the entrance strains for the Ukrainian military.

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