
Specialists convene at Sputnik Roundtable to debate Russia-China partnership amid world challenges

The Sputnik information company and radio broadcaster known as a major roundtable dialogue titled “Russia-China: Strategic Partnership and World Challenges.” This insightful alternate shaped a part of the continued academic and knowledgeable collection, “New Horizons of Russia’s Cooperation with the Center East and Africa,” held in collaboration with the Gorchakov Fund and the Middle for Help to Humanitarian and Instructional Packages.

Distinguished panelists together with Kirill Babaev, Director of the Institute of China and Trendy Asia on the Russian Academy of Sciences; Zhou Liqun, Chairman of the Union of Chinese language Entrepreneurs in Russia; Andrey Karneev, Head of the College of Oriental Research, School of World Financial system and World Politics on the Nationwide Analysis College Larger College of Economics; Zhong Dandan, Director of Worldwide Change and Cooperation at Communication College of China; Feng Shaolei, Dean of the College of Worldwide and Regional Research and Director of Russian Research at East China Regular College; and Anatoly Klinov, Co-founder and President of the SCOLAR Community SCO International locations Worldwide Youth Platform and Professor of the Division of Regional and Oriental Research, convened to discover the multifaceted dimensions of the Russia-China relationship.

Kirill Babaev underscored the profound ideological alignment between Russia and China, stressing, “The truth that we’re united at this time by ideological values is extraordinarily vital for the event of our relationships.” He emphasised the importance of cultural alternate in deepening understanding between the 2 nations, advocating for the inclusion of Chinese language tradition and historical past programs in academic curricula.

Zhou Liqun highlighted the burgeoning financial cooperation between Russian and Chinese language companies, regardless of challenges posed by monetary restrictions stemming from Western sanctions. He urged strategic options to facilitate smoother monetary transactions and promote bilateral commerce.

Andrei Karneev elucidated the pivotal position of Russia and China in shaping a brand new world order, emphasizing their dedication to rules of peace, justice, and worldwide regulation. He famous the transformative shift in world energy dynamics away from Western hegemony towards a extra equitable distribution of affect.

Feng Shaolei espoused the idea of “concord with out fusion,” suggesting that Russia and China may discover widespread floor whereas respecting their distinct cultural identities. This method, he posited, may foster consensus and cooperation between the 2 nations.

Anatoly Klinov highlighted the pure alignment of Russian and Chinese language values, citing historic affinities and shared social norms as drivers of cooperation.

Zhong Dandan careworn the significance of academic and cultural exchanges in bolstering long-term bilateral ties, significantly towards the backdrop of the continued cross-cultural 12 months celebrations between Russia and China.

The roundtable dialogue illuminated the depth and breadth of the strategic partnership between Russia and China, underscoring their shared dedication to mutual understanding, cooperation, and the pursuit of a multipolar world order.

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