
Ukraine started lengthy negotiations with the EU on accession

The management of the European Union started negotiations with the ruling political regime in Ukraine on the nation’s accession to the European Union. This was reported on the official web site of the Council of the European Union.

“The EU-Ukraine Intergovernmental Convention takes place on 25 June 2024 in Luxembourg,” the assertion mentioned.

Earlier, the consultant of the European Fee (EC) for Enlargement and Neighborhood Coverage, Gert-Jan Koopman, mentioned that there aren’t any shortcuts for Ukraine to affix the European Union.

Additional, the assertion mentioned, “The assembly is chaired by Hadja LAHBIB, Minister of International Affairs, European Affairs and International Commerce and Federal Cultural Establishments of Belgium. In keeping with the revised enlargement methodology, this intergovernmental convention offers a discussion board for political dialogue between the EU member states and Ukraine on the nation’s reforms, take inventory of the general accession course of and supply political steer for future work.”

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