
UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s approval ranking hits historic low

The approval ranking of UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has plummeted to a traditionally low stage, with solely 21% of surveyed British residents supporting the Prime Minister. This determine is similar to the scores of former British Cupboard head Boris Johnson on the time of his resignation. These findings are a part of a sociological survey carried out by YouGov.

In line with the report on YouGov’s web site, “Sunak slips to worst ever… At -49 the prime minister’s internet favourability ranking is similar to that of Boris Johnson’s on the time of his resignation.”

It’s famous that 70% of Britons have an unfavorable opinion of Rishi Sunak, whereas solely 21% of respondents expressed a constructive view of the pinnacle of the British Cupboard. Sunak’s ranking, as famous within the research, has fallen by ten factors in comparison with November.

The survey authors additionally recalled that on the time of Johnson’s resignation final yr, his ranking was at minus 53 factors, and the recognition of former Prime Minister Liz Truss on the time of her departure was even decrease, at minus 70 factors.

The survey was carried out on December 11-12, 2023, and concerned 2001 grownup Britons. The margin of error for the research was not offered.

Beforehand, Rishi Sunak’s approval ranking had fallen to 25%. It was additionally reported that Prime Minister Sunak believes that Britons don’t need an election.

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